Monday, February 19, 2007

My Blog For 2/13

I teach a technology course at the junior high level. It has been fairly easy for me to relate and find ways to integrate much of what we have discussed in class so far into this particular class setting. However, I am also the Band and Music Director for my school. Thinking to myself how to integrate technology into such a classic and traditional type of instructional setting has been challenging.

Recently, I have come across software that I am currently building a proposal around for presentation to my Administrative supervisors that I believe will completely change the way Music is taught. Without going into too much detail the software will allow a student to study music and allow me the director access to all their practice sessions whether at home or school. Also, the technology involved will practically rule me out once the student learns how to appropriately use it to improve their individual skill. The options and power are near limitless and a complete new approach to music education.

Of course this has changed my vision a bit. And now I find myself trying to find ways to get parents more involved and active in the music education of their children. After the last class session discussing different methods of producing creative and visually stimulating documents, I have decided that this will be my means to an end. Working in tandem with the Band Booster Club utilizing programs like Publisher and Word will allow me and this organization to access the attention of the student and parent in a more appealing way. Parents need summer information and in session information about what is expected for their child. Also, new band parents need a legitimate no washed down list of information about what to expect with their child beginning a band experience and education. These programs can be easily utilized for that purpose.

If they are used as effectively as I believe they can be, my school district could see a measurable increase in parent involvement in the band program. It would be great to see how these small products could allow me the ability to capture the attention of the parent to see the band booster grow from a current 4 set or parent attendance to a 10, 20 or 30 parent attendence.

In any case I think I will probably be viewing my vision for technology within the educational system in a new direction.

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